Rewards :$3,000 USDT for 200 Selected Lucky Winners
Tier One: Up to $5USDT per winner
Tier Two :Up to $10USDT per winner
Tier Three:Up to $20USDT per winner
Tier Four: Up to $25USDT per luck winner
Period: From 2nd-Sep to 12th-Sep (UTC+0)
Testnet requirement :
1:To set up the MetaMask Wallet and add the BSC -Testnet
2:To claim the testcoin on BSC (
Stetp-How to do :
1:To visit the testnet web ( connet the wallet-MetaMask
2: To commplete the ‘Deposit’ and ‘Withdraw’test for eligable the Tier One rewards
3: To commplete the ‘Borrow’ and’Repay’
4: To submit the info for completing the ‘credit’test
5: To commplete ‘Stake’test (Inlclude the unlock,staking withdraw and stake)
6: To fill in the Google Form with dashboard’s screenshot (
Distrbution :
Reward will be sent to winners’ TRC-20 address, All winners will receive the rewards in 10 business days after the mainnet launch.
Reward Rules:
Only the selected 200 lucky winner will be rewarded(first come, first serve).
Anyone who complete the Step 2 will be eligiable to join the Tier One Reward Pool($250 USDT for 50 lucky winners),
Anyone who complete the Step 2 and 3 will be eligiable to join the Tier Two Reward Pool($500 USDT for 50 lucky winners)
Anyone who complete the Step 2,3 and 4 will be eligiable to join the Tier Three Reward Pool($1000 USDT for 50 lucky winners)
Anyone who complete all steps (2,3,4,5) will be eligiable to join the Tier Four Reward Pool($1250 USDT for 50 lucky winners)
DeCredit User Manual -How to join the Testnet
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