DeCredit Weekly Report
August 30, 2021-September 5. 2021
1. Optimized the system according to the feedback.
2. The product tutorial has been finished.
3. Receiving test token’s function has been added for the Testnet event.
1. IDO events details are under negotiating and confirming.
2. The listing business is under negotiating.
3. Testnet event is currently holding and BSC deployment will be official announced in this week.
1. Telegram & Twitter
The total number of Telegram Community Members was all the way up to 69K+(was 67K ).
The total number of Twitter followers achieved by 51.7K+ (was 51K).
‘Đecentralized Člub ’ AMA with the CMO of DeCredit
Poster :
Members :31K +
Language or area : English
3.Giveaways: $3,000USDT for Testnet
4.DeCredit English community admins are available for the any issue & support anytime. 247
5.Decredit Daily quiz @Telegram :
Successfully completed quiz for the week held from 30th-Aug to 3rd Sep 2021.
Stay Tune with DeCredit for more:
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